Preparing you for ministry in today’s world. This course provides you with a thorough foundation in theology and biblical studies, shaping a Christian worldview that will directly connect to your vocation.

Additionally you will find opportunities to gain the practical expertise required for ministry, and make a positive contribution to society.

This course structure is based on two semesters (each of 13 weeks duration), with four subjects taught in each semester.

This will include subjects such as Faith and Purpose, Professional Practice, Introduction to Pastoral Ministry and Character Formation and Ministry.


Applicants with Recent Secondary Education (within the past 2 years)
Applicants admitted on the basis of their recent secondary education must demonstrate the completion of NSW Higher School Certificate (or the completion of an International Baccalaureate or the interstate or overseas equivalent qualification and result) for admission into this course.

Applicants with Vocational Education and Training (VET) Study
Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course must demonstrate the completion of an AQF Level 3 Certificate III or higher by an authorised institution or registered training organisation for admission into this course.

Applicants with Higher Education Study
Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a complete or partially complete higher education qualification must demonstrate the completion of an AQF Level 5 Higher Education Diploma (or higher) by an authorised institution for admission into this course.

Applicants with Work and Life Experience
If you are under the age of 21 at the time of commencement, you can apply to a prescribed program of non-award study on the basis of provisional entry, and complete the provisional entry qualifying period to become a full candidate of this course.

If you are over the age of 21 at the time of commencement, you can apply for admission into this course on the basis of provisional entry, and complete the provisional entry qualifying period to become a full candidate.


Overseas students are required to demonstrate their English proficiency skills. Such students admitted into our programs must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.0 (with no score below 5.5 in any of the four skills areas). IELTS (or equivalent) is not required for applicants who have undertaken five years of required higher education study (or equivalent) in English from an approved country or who have completed a Certificate IV or higher qualification awarded in English under the Australian Qualification Framework by an authorised institution or registered training organisation.



  • general understanding of key issues, recent scholarship and practices within the discipline area of ministry, consistent with a Christian worldview;
  • depth of understanding of practical fieldwork;
  • technical and theoretical understanding of basic research principles and methods, and knowledge of research approaches used in the discipline area of ministry.

Demonstrated ability to:

  • identify, analyse and synthesise theoretical knowledge in the discipline area of ministry;
  • examine a complex problem or management requirements using appropriate methodologies and theories from the discipline area of ministry;
  • communicate technical and creative skills to express ideas and perspective related to the discipline area of ministry;
  • transfer knowledge and specialised ministry skills to peers and general audiences in diverse contexts.
  • apply theoretical and technical knowledge and skills acquired within the specialist area of ministry in a range of professional contexts;
  • work independently, responsibly and with the level expected in a broad range of professional and ministry contexts;
  • collaborate in team projects to make a positive contribution toward social issues;
  • undertake self-reflection and evaluation of performance for the purpose of vocational development.


The Bachelor of Theology integrates a well-developed foundation in Christian Studies with a broad and coherent theoretical and practical knowledge in theology and biblical studies. This includes exploration of the Christian tradition as developed historically and within faith traditions. It also includes engagement in the study of the primary texts of the Christian faith (Old and New Testaments) with reflection on how those texts have been interpreted both historically and in contemporary readings.

You will also get to hone your skills in communication and problem solving. Theories are applied and professional skills are developed through practical assessments and work-integrated learning.

The course structure is based on six semesters (each of 12 weeks duration, plus an exam week), with four subjects taught in each semester.

This will include subjects such as Faith and Purpose, Old Testament Foundations, New Testament Foundations, Biblical Interpretation, Introduction to Cross Cultural Ministry, Church History Foundations, Leadership Principles, and more.


Applicants with Recent Secondary Education (within the past 2 years)
Applicants admitted on the basis of their recent secondary education must demonstrate the completion of NSW Higher School Certificate with an ATAR of 65 or higher (or the completion of the International Baccalaureate or interstate or overseas equivalent qualification and result) for admission into this course.

Special admission is also available for Year 12 students whose ATAR (or equivalent) falls within 5 points of the published guaranteed ATAR but have done well in subjects relevant to the course of study. These Special Admission Pathways are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Program Director and then tabled for approval by the Admissions Committee

Applicants with Vocational Education and Training (VET) Study
Applicants with a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification will demonstrate the completion of a Certificate III or higher qualification awarded by an authorised institution or registered training organisation (RTO).

Applicants with Higher Education Study
Applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a complete or partially complete higher education qualification must demonstrate the completion or partial completion of an AQF Level 5 Higher Education Diploma (or higher) by an authorised institution for admission into this course.

Applicants with Work and Life Experience
If you are over the age of 21 at the time of commencement, you can apply for admission into this course on the basis of provisional entry, and complete the provisional entry qualifying period to become a full candidate.


Applicants may be required to attend a pre-admission interview with the Program Director to determine suitability for the course and profession, including the suitability to work with vulnerable groups.

Applicants must provide a valid Working with Children Check (or state-based or overseas equivalent) and Police Check for admission into a course of study.


Overseas students are required to demonstrate their English proficiency skills. Such students admitted into our programs must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.0 (with no score below 5.5 in any of the four skills areas). IELTS (or equivalent) is not required for applicants who have undertaken five years of required higher education study (or equivalent) in English from an approved country or who have completed a Certificate IV or higher qualification awarded in English under the Australian Qualification Framework by an authorised institution or registered training organisation.


Graduates will:

  • demonstrate a deep knowledge of Christian history, doctrine and tradition.


Graduates will demonstrate:

  • skills to analyse and interpret the biblical text, using sound hermeneutical methods, as a core document of the Christian faith with consideration for the contemporary application of the text;
  • skills to consolidate, synthesise and communicate a Christian worldview, with particular emphasis on the role of the gospel in providing an ethical framework for personal living;
  • cognitive and technical skills required for theological reflection, including depth within one of the fields of theological studies or biblical studies;
  • skills in critical thinking and self-directed research, using a range of sources and methods;


Graduates will demonstrate:

  • ability to discuss and analyse contemporaneous topics, issues and challenges impacting on Christian ministry and the Pentecostal community and create solutions to these challenges. This includes the ability to apply knowledge and skills to new and diverse contexts;
  • communication skills to present theological knowledge, ideas and arguments to specialist and non-specialist audiences using appropriately selected communication methods.
  • ability to collaborate with the broader community of Christian ministers and community leaders to provide appropriate collegial support;
  • ability to engage in the wider society regarding the role of Christianity in contemporary contexts;
  • self-reflection and evaluation of ministry and leadership performance for the purpose of vocational development.


The Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership is designed to equip experienced leaders and professionals by integrating cutting-edge research with a Biblical lens and practical applications. The course will equip you with the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural resources to confidently lead your organisation.

Graduates will be equipped with not only a broad understanding of leadership principles, but also with critical and creative thinking skills which are valuable to any professional context. This award also provides the opportunity for students to explore the implications of their faith within their vocational and professional contexts.

The course structure is based on one semester (each of 13 weeks duration), with four subjects taught in each semester.

This will include subjects such as Authentic Leadership, Governance, Law and Ethics, Christian Worldview and Organisational Leadership.


Applicants with Recent Secondary Education (within the past 2 years)
This course of study requires the completion of a higher education qualification by an authorised institution. Applicants with recent high school education only are not eligible for direct entry into this course.

Applicants with Vocational Education and Training (VET) Study
This course of study requires the completion of a higher education qualification by an authorised institution. Applicants with a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification only are not eligible for direct entry into this course.

Applicants with Higher Education Study
Applicants whose highest level of study enrolment since leaving secondary education is a higher education qualification must demonstrate the completion of a Bachelor degree or higher (or equivalent) by an authorised institution for admission into this course.

Applicants with Work and Life Experience
Applicants seeking entry into this course may be eligible for Professional Entry where they can demonstrate a minimum of 5 years’ relevant work experience in a managerial or professional leadership role. This may include:

  • Ministers in senior leadership positions;
  • Managers and leaders in non-government organisations which act to further social or cultural outworking of Christian ministry; or
  • Business-people who are fulfilling positions of responsibility including team or industry leadership.

Applicants must submit a copy of their CV with a cover letter outlining how they meet the above criteria, or equivalent.

Essential Entry Requirements
The Program Director or Head of School may conduct a pre-admission interview with applicants. Bridging courses, such as RES401 Postgraduate Research and Writing, may also be required.

Applicants seeking entry on the basis of higher education study are also required to demonstrate a minimum of three (3) years’ relevant work experience in a managerial or professional leadership role. Applicants must submit a copy of their CV with a cover letter outlining how they meet the criteria.


Overseas students are required to demonstrate their English proficiency skills. Such students admitted into our programs must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.0 (with no score below 6.5 in any of the four skills areas). IELTS (or equivalent) is not required for applicants who have undertaken five years of required higher education study (or equivalent) in English from an approved country or who have completed a Certificate IV or higher qualification awarded in English under the Australian Qualification Framework by an authorised institution or registered training organisation.



  • integrated understanding of key issues, theoretical concepts and practices within leadership;
  • knowledge of various approaches used in leadership within the Christian worldview framework.


Demonstrated ability to:

  • critically apply knowledge developed for use in leadership;
  • use critical, evidenced based and innovative thinking skills to analyse and synthesise ideas and theories from other disciplines related to leadership;
  • communicate effectively ideas and proposed solutions to peers and general audiences;
  • identify and critically evaluate new developments and scholarship in leadership;


Demonstrated ability to:

  • articulate appropriate solutions to emerging business challenges;
  • evaluate broad conceptual frameworks in leadership;
  • critically and independently apply the knowledge and skills required as an informed practitioner in leadership.


Learn more about Kingdomcity College at our upcoming Information Webinar.

Tuesday 12 November 2024, 7:30pm (GMT+8)